
  • Howe, J. Cornwallis, C. K. & Griffin, A. S. 2024. Conflict-reducing innovations in development enable increased multicellular complexity. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B. [pdf]
  • Carroll, C. P. Manaprasertsak, A. Castro, A. B. van den Bos, H. Spierings, D. Wardenaar, R. Bukkuri, A. Engström, N. Baratchart, E. Yang, M. Biloglav, A. Cornwallis, C. K. Johansson, B. Hagerling, C. Arsenian-Henriksson, M. Paulsson, K. Amend, S. Mohlin, S. Foijer, F. McIntyre, A. Pienta, K. J. & Hammarlund, E. U. In press. Drug-resilient cancer cell phenotype is acquired via polyploidization associated with early stress response coupled to HIF-2α transcriptional regulation. Cancer Research Communications.
  • Svensson, E. I. Schou, M. F. Melgar, J. Waller, J. Engelbrecht, A. Brand, Z. Cloete, S. W. P. & Cornwallis, C. K. 2023. Heritable variation in thermal profiles is associated with reproductive success in the world’s largest bird. Evolution Letters. 1-12. [pdf]
  • Uller, T. Milocco, L. Isanta-Navarro, J. Cornwallis, C. K. & Feiner, N. In press. Twenty Years of Developmental Plasticity and Evolution: On middle range theories and how to test them. Journal of Experimental Biology.
  • Bensch, S. Caballero-López, V. Cornwallis, C. K. Sokolovskis, K. 2023. The evolutionary history of “suboptimal” migration routes. iScience, 26(11), 108266. [pdf]
  • Cornwallis, C. K. van’t Padje, A. Ellers, J. Klein, M. Jackson, R. Kiers, T. West, S. A. & Henry, L. 2023. Symbioses shape feeding niches and diversification across insects. Nature Ecology & Evolution. [pdf]
  • Cornwallis, C. K. Svensson-Coelho, M. Lindh, M. Li, Q. Stábile, F. Hansson, L. A. & Rengefors, K. 2023. Single-cell adaptations shape evolutionary transitions to multicellularity in green algaeNature Ecology & Evolution. [pdf]
  • Pettersen, A. K. Feiner, N. Noble, D. W. A. While, G. M. Uller, T. & Cornwallis, C. K. 2023. Maternal behavioural thermoregulation facilitated evolutionary transitions from egg laying to live birth. Evolution Letters. [pdf]
  • Yazdi, H. P. Olito, C. Kawakami, T. Unneberg, P. Schou, M. F. Cloete, S. W. P. Hansson, B. & Cornwallis, C. K. 2023. The evolutionary maintenance of ancient recombining sex chromosomes in the ostrich. PLoS Genetics. [pdf]
  • Videvall, E. Bensch, H. M. Engelbrecht, A. Serfontein, N. Cloete, S. W. P. & Cornwallis, C. K. 2023. Coprophagy rapidly matures juvenile gut microbiota in a precocial bird. Evolution letters. [pdf]
  • Melgar, J. Schou, M. F. Bonato, M. Engelbrecht, A. Brand, Z. Cloete, S. W. P. & Cornwallis, C. K. 2022. Experimental evidence that group size drives divergent benefits of cooperative breeding for male and female ostriches. eLife. [pdf]
  • Schou, M. F. Engelbrecht, A. Brand, Z. Svensson, E. I. Cloete, S. W. P. & Cornwallis, C. K. 2022. Evolutionary trade-offs between heat and cold tolerance limit responses to fluctuating climates. Science Advances. 8, eabn9580 [pdf]
  • O’Connor, E. A. & Cornwallis, C. K. 2022. Immunity and Lifespan: Answering Long-Standing Questions with Comparative Genomics. Trends in Genetics. 38, 650-661 [pdf]
  • Bensch, H. M. O’Connor, E. A. & Cornwallis, C. K. 2021. Living with relatives offsets the harm caused by pathogens in natural populations. eLife. 10:e66649 [pdf]
  • Pike, V. Cornwallis, C. K. & Griffin, A. S. 2021. Why don’t all animals avoid inbreeding. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B [pdf]
  • Schou, M. F. Bonato, M. Engelbrecht, A. Brand, Z. Svensson, E. I. Melgar, J. Muvhali, T.P. Cloete, S. W. P. Cornwallis, C. K. 2021. Extreme temperatures compromise male and female fertility in a large desert bird. Nature Communications. 12, 666 [pdf]
  • Downing, P.  Griffin, A. S. & Cornwallis, C. K. 2021. Hard-working Helpers Contribute to Long Breeder Lifespans in Cooperative Birds. Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 376,20190742 [pdf]
  • Videvall, E. Song, S. J. Bensch, H. M. Strandh, M. Engelbrecht, A. Serfontein, N. Hellgren, O. Olivier, A. Cloete, S. Knight, R. & Cornwallis, C. K. 2020. Early-life gut dysbiosis linked to juvenile mortality in ostriches. Microbiome. 8, 147 [pdf]
  • Downing, P.  Griffin, A. S. & Cornwallis, C. K. 2020. The Benefits of Help in Cooperative Birds – non-existent or difficult to detect? American Naturalist.  195(6), 1085-1091 [pdf]
  • Downing, P.  Griffin, A. S. & Cornwallis, C. K. 2020. Group formation and the evolutionary pathway to complex sociality in birds. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 4(3), 479- 486 [pdf]
  • O’Connor, E. A. Hasselquist, D. Nilsson, J-Å. Westerdahl, H. Cornwallis, C. K. 2020. Wetter climates select for higher immune gene diversity in resident, but not migratory, songbirds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 287, 20192675 [pdf]
  • Videvall, E. Song, S. J. Bensch, H. M. Strandh, M. Engelbrecht, A. Serfontein, N. Hellgren, O. Olivier, A. Cloete, S. W. P. Knight, R. Cornwallis, C. K. 2019. Major shifts in gut microbiota during development and its relationship to growth in ostriches. Molecular Ecology. 28, 2653-2667 [pdf]
  • Downing, P.  Griffin, A. S. & Cornwallis, C. K. Sex difference in helping effort reveal the effect of future reproduction on cooperative behaviour in birds. 2018. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 285, 20181164 [pdf]
  • O’Connor, E. A. Cornwallis, C. K. Hasselquist, D. Nilsson, J-Å. Westerdahl, H. 2018. The evolution of immunity in relation to colonisation and migration. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 2, 841-849 [pdf]
  • Cornwallis, C. K. 2018. Cooperative breeding and the evolutionary coexistence of helper and non-helper strategies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 115, 1684-1686 [pdf]
  • Videvall, E. Strandh, M. Engelbrecht, A. Cloete, S. W. P. Cornwallis, C. K. 2018. Measuring the gut microbiome in birds: comparison of faecal and cloacal sampling. Molecular Ecology Resources. 18, 424-434 [pdf]
  • Fisher, R. M. Henry, L. M. Cornwallis, C. K. Kiers, E. T & West, S. A. 2017. The evolution of host-symbiont dependence Nature Communications. 8, 15978 [pdf]
  • Cornwallis, C. K. Botero, C. A. Rubenstein, D. R. R. Downing, P. A. West, S. A. & Griffin, A. S. 2017. Cooperation facilitates the colonization of harsh environments. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 1, 0057 [pdf]
  • Leggett, H. C. Cornwallis, C. K. Buckling, A. & West, S. A. 2017. Growth rate, transmission mode and virulence in human pathogens. Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 372, 20160094 [pdf]
  • Videvall, E. Cornwallis, C. K., Ahrén, D., Palinauskas, V., Valkiunas, G. & Hellgren, O. 2017. The transcriptome of the avian malaria parasite Plasmodium ashfordi displays host-specific gene expression Molecular Ecology. 10.1111/mec.14085 [pdf]
  • Videvall, E. Strandh, M. Engelbrecht, A. Cloete, S. W. P. Cornwallis, C. K. 2017. Direct PCR offers a fast and reliable alternative to conventional DNA isolation methods for animal gut microbiomes. mSystems. 2, e00132-17[pdf]
  • Hayward, A. Tsuboi, M. Owusu, C. Kotrschal, A. Buechel, S. D. Zidar, J. Cornwallis, C. K. Lovlie, H. & Kolm, N. 2017. Evolutionary associations between host traits and parasite load: insights from Lake Tanganyika cichlids. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 10.1111/jeb.13053 [pdf]
  • Downing, P. Cornwallis, C. K. & Griffin, A. S. How to make a sterile helper. 2016. Bioessays. 39, 1600136 [pdf]
  • Downing, P. A. Cornwallis, C. K. & Griffin, A. S. 2015. Sex, long life and the evolutionary transition to cooperative breeding in birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 282: 20151663 [pdf]
  • Hayward, A. Cornwallis, C. K. & Jern, P. 2015. Pan-vertebrate comparative genomics unmasks retrovirus macroevolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 112. 464-469 [pdf] 
  • Videvall, E. Cornwallis, C. K., Palinauskas, V., Valkiunas, G. & Hellgren, O. 2015. The avian transcritpome response to malaria infection. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 32, 1255-1267 [pdf]
  • Bonato, M., Malecki, I. A., Rybnik-Trzaskowska, P. K., Cornwallis, C. K. & Cloete, S. W. P. 2014. Predicting ejaculate quality and libido in male ostriches: effects of season and age. Animal Reproduction Science. 151, 49-55 [pdf] 
  • Cornwallis, C. K. Dean, R. & Pizzari, T. 2014. Sex-specific patterns of aging on sexual ornaments and gametes. American Naturalist. 184, E66-78 [pdf]
  • Cornwallis. 2014. Inclusive fitness. Oxford Bibliographies [pdf]
  • Tobias, J. A.* Cornwallis, C. K.* Derryberry, E. P. Claramunt, S. Brumfield, R. T. Seddon, N. 2014. Species interactions and the dynamics of phenotypic evolution across a major radiation of birds. Nature, 506, 359-363 [pdf]
  • Griffin, A. S. Alonzo, S. H. & Cornwallis, C. K. 2013. Why do cuckolded males provide paternal care? PLoS Biology, 11, e1001520 [pdf] 
  • Fisher, R. Cornwallis, C. K. & West, S. A. 2013. Group formation, relatedness and the evolution of multicellularity. Current Biology. 23, 1120-1125 [pdf] 
  • Wood, M. J. Childs, D.J. Davies, A. S. Cornwallis, C. K., Hellgren, O., Perrins, C. M., Sheldon, B. C. 2013. The epidemiology underlying age-related avian malaria infection in a long-lived host, the mute swan Cygnus olor. Journal of Avian Biology. 44, 347-358 [pdf]
  • Leggett, H. C., Cornwallis, C. K. & West, S. A. 2012 Mechanisms of pathogenesis, infective dose and virulence in human pathogens. PLoS Pathogens. 8, e1002512 [pdf]
  • Liedvogel, M*. Cornwallis, C. K*. & Sheldon, B. S. 2012. Integrating candidate gene and quantitative genetic approaches to understand variation in timing of breeding in wild tit populations. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 5, 813-823 [pdf]
  • Bonato, M. Cornwallis, C. K. Malecki, I. A. Rybnik, P. K. & Cloete, S. W. P. 2012. The effect of temperature and pH on the motility and viability of ostrich sperm. Animal Reproduction Science, 133, 123-128 [pdf]
  • Boomsma, J., Beekman, M., Cornwallis, C. K., Griffin, A. S., Holman, L., Hughes, W., Keller, L., Oldroyd, B., & Ratnieks, F. 2011. Only full-sibling families evolved eusociality Nature, 471, 7339 [pdf]
  • Bonato, M. Rybnik, P. K. Malecki, I. A. Cornwallis, C. K. & Cloete, S. W. P. 2011. Twice daily collection yields greater semen output and does not affect male libido in the ostrich. Animal Reproduction Science. 123, 258-264 [pdf]
  • Cornwallis, C. K. West, S. A. Davies, K. & Griffin, A. S. 2010. Promiscuity and the evolutionary transition to complex societies. Nature, 466, 969-972 [pdf]
  • Bonato, M. Rybnik, P. K. Malecki, I. A. Cornwallis, C. K. & Cloete, S. W. P. 2010. Between male variation in semen characteristics and preliminary results on the dilution of semen in the ostrich. South African Journal of Animal Science. 40, 438-441 [pdf]
  • Cornwallis, C. K. & Uller, T. 2010. Dynamic affairs, could be if we let it! Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 25, 430-431 [pdf]
  • Dean, R., Cornwallis, C. K., Løvlie, H., Worley, K., Richardson, D. S. & Pizzari, T. 2010. Male reproductive senescence causes potential for sexual conflict over mating. Current Biology, 20, 1192-1196 [pdf]
  • Worley, K., Collet, J., Spurgin, L., Cornwallis, C. K., Pizzari, T. & Richardson, D. S. 2010. MHC heterozygosity and survival in red junglefowl. Molecular Ecology, 19, 3064-3075 [pdf]
  • Cornwallis, C. K. & Uller, T. 2010. Towards an evolutionary ecology for sexual traits. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 25, 145-152 [pdf] 
  • Cornwallis, C. K. West, S. A. & Griffin, A. S. 2009. Routes to indirect fitness in cooperatively breeding vertebrates: kin discrimination and limited dispersal. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 22, 2445-2457 [pdf]
  • Cornwallis, C. K. & O’Connor, E. A. 2009. Sperm: seminal fluid interactions and the adjustment of sperm quality in relation to female attractiveness. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 276, 3457-3467 [pdf]
  • Cornwallis, C. K. & Birkhead, T. R. 2008. Plasticity in reproductive phenotypes reveals status specific correlations between behavioral, morphological and physiological sexual traits. Evolution. 62, 1149-1161 [pdf]
  • Cornwallis, C. K. & Birkhead, T. R. 2007. Changes in sperm quality and numbers in response to experimental manipulation of male social status and female attractiveness. American Naturalist. 170, 758-771 [pdf]
  • Cornwallis, C. K. & Birkhead, T. R. 2007. Experimental evidence that female ornamentation increases the acquisition of sperm and signals fecundity. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 274, 583-590 [pdf]
  • Pizzari, T., Cornwallis, C. K. & Froman, D. P. 2007. Social competitive ability is associated with rapid fluctuations in sperm quality in male fowl. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 274, 853-860 [pdf]
  • Cornwallis, C. K. & Birkhead, T. R. 2006. Social status and availability of females determine patterns of sperm allocation in the fowl. Evolution. 60, 1486-1493 [pdf]
  • Løvlie, H. Cornwallis, C. K. & Pizzari T. 2005. Male mounting alone reduces female promiscuity in the fowl. Current Biology. 15, 1222-1227 [pdf]
  • Keeling, L., Andersson, L., Schütz, K. E., Kerje, S., Fredriksson, R., Calborg, Ö., Cornwallis, C. K., Pizzari, T. & Jensen P. 2004. Chicken genomics: Feather-pecking and victim pigmentation. Nature. 431, 645-646 [pdf]
  • Pizzari, T., Løvlie, H., & Cornwallis, C. K. 2004. Sex-specific, counteracting responses to inbreeding in a bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 271, 2115-2121 [pdf]
  • Pizzari, T. Jensen, P. & Cornwallis, C. K. 2004. A novel test of the phenotype-linked fertility hypothesis reveals independent components of fertility. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 217, 51-58 [pdf]
  • Pizzari, T. Cornwallis, C. K., Løvlie, H. Jakobsson, S. & Birkhead, T. R. 2003. Sophisticated sperm allocation in male fowl. Nature, 426, 70-74 [pdf]

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